
PFS Standard Parts I, II and III

PFS Standard Part I

Part I provides specification for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals for forest owners, both in relation to a project and a project reporting period. While ISO 14064-1 may also be used, PFS Standard Part I is specifically designed and applicable to forests growing in New Zealand.

PFS Standard I - Development history

First published: 22nd July 2024

Status: v1 Active since 22nd July 2024

Authors: PFS Certification Ltd

VVB Assessment Report(s): SGS 8th July 2024

Summary of Changes: n/a

PFS Standard Part II

Part II provides for the best practise for proof forestry net CO2 captured also remains stored until 2100; specifying required standards of proof of legal and silviculture longevity, and climate risks, of net CO2 removals reported for the project and the project reporting period, until at least 2100.

Forests compliant with PFS Standard Part I or ISO 14064-1 can apply for certification under Part II.

PFS Standard II - Development history

First published: 22nd July 2024

Status: v1 Active since 22nd July 2024

Authors: PFS Certification Ltd

VVB Assessment Report(s): SGS 8th July 2024

Summary of Changes: n/a

PFS Standard Part III

Part III primarily provides for a legal risk assessment for greenhouse gas statements for tonnes net CO2 forestry removals verified under Part II, or as otherwise allowed. It addresses legal risks in relation to express and implied statements or practises. Part III is intended to give confidence to emitters that express or implied representations are not deceptive or misleading.

Forests that have not applied for certification under Part II may, in suitable circumstances, apply for a positive legal risk assessment under Part III.

PFS Standard III - Development history

First published: 31st July 2024

Status: v1 Active since 31st July 2024

Authors: PFS Certification Ltd

VVB Assessment Report(s): SGS 8th July 2024

Summary of Changes: n/a